Thursday, October 30, 2008

I AM...Waitin


Since this blog is brand spankin new so it's only right that we introduce ourselves. I'm going to keep this short and sweet as I hate wordy introductions.

My name is CB and I've been a Beyonce fan since day one. I have a pretty eclectic taste in music ranging from R&B to alternative. In addition to Beyonce, I stans for Prince, Coldplay, Jay-Z, John Legend, Mary J Blige, and even a little bit for Carrie Underwood.

I have been involved in the Beyonce stan community for a long time but I was mainly a lurker on most boards up until last year. That's when I started to get more involved and my stannism really kicked in. I have found that the majority of Beyonce fans are warm and intelligent. Damn what you might have heard!

I look forward to getting to know some of my fellow Beyonce fans a little better in the coming months!

And like the title says, I cannot wait for that new Beyonce album!

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